Sida  7b.  Military boats in the Baltic Sea

Sida    8.  Eyewitnesses

Sida    9.  Holes in the hull?

Sida  10.  Sinking process

Sida  11.  Other boating accidents

Sida  12.  Questions & answers

Sida  13.  Miscellaneous

Sida  14.  Conclusions

MV Estonia, eyewitnesses.



Copyright 2010 All rights reserved.

Loud bang.

Loud sound.

Carl Bildt.
Was it random that Carl Bildt was reachable this night, or was it another reason?

This is what I think:

1. There were secret military material on the MV Estonia from the former Soviet.
2. The military material was ordered by, the United States or NATO, by Sweden.
3. The captain of the MV Estonia is the only one of the crew who knows what the cargo contains.
4. The captain is at high speed because he has deadlines to meet, not in view of the passengers, but in view of the load, there are people who are waiting on the cargo in Sweden.
5. The load is so interesting that Carl Bildt is involved, he has direct contact with
the military.
6. The dent in the bow visor has occurred after the MV Estonia has collided with a military boat, the military boat was tasked to monitor the shipment.

Above, Krister Holmén, is this a joke or have you been through this?

Why don’t you go to the media about this?

Everything do not have to be true that an eyewitness have seen, what I think is this true in this witness is;

1. That he was on a Swedish submarine on the spot.
2. The fact that the Swedish submarine was assigned to shadow and protect M / S Estonia.

He was sleeping when he heard a bang and a hissing sound.
1. I think it is the Swedish submarine of his own that  run into MV Estonia, of which he wakes up of the sound of the blast.

What happend
next is that the captain of the Swedish submarine blames it on a Russian submarine which fired a torpedo.

How do you Krister Holmén know that it was a torpedo from a Russian submarine when you where asleep, it does not go together, the captain may have lied to you.

Holmén did his military service on a submarine 1977 and are working today at the Navy.

The night of the accident, he was called from Muskö to participate in the shading of

MV Estonia, in order to protect the ship from which he did. He was picked up by a helicopter.

When the Swedish submarine wrapped after

MV Estonia of circa 150 meters away, they found a Russian submarine, which in turn came after the Swedish submarine about 150 meters away.

Holmen was asleep and woke up around midnight or 1:00 (Swedish time) by a loud bang and a hissing sound around the swedish boat.

The Russian submarine had fired a torpedo against MV Estonias act (after HW detailed inquiry), which met in the middle of the starboard side. It was either an "8 / 6 hitter" like the Germans or a "9 / 8 hitter."

The Swedes could see that the bow visor was opened when the MV Estonia was on the starboard heel. (He said this spontaneously.) They then went around with the submarine on the left side of the MV Estonia. The Russian submarine disappeared down and dived to 180 meters.

All aboard were terrified and had difficulty understanding what had happened.

Holmén had previously heard rumors that the MV Estonia would run a "dangerous cargo".
The torpedo, or guardian of the Mafia, to have been aboard.


Sida    1.  Intro & Links

Sida    2.  MV Estonia

Sida  3a.  The bow visor

Sida  3b.  The bow visor, damage

Sida    4.  The bow ramp

Sida    5.  Other technical details

Sida    6.  The sonar image

Sida  7a.  Baltic Sea