Sida  7b.  Military boats in the Baltic Sea

Sida    8.  Eyewitnesses

Sida    9.  Holes in the hull?

Sida  10.  Sinking process

Sida  11.  Other boating accidents

Sida  12.  Questions & answers

Sida  13.  Miscellaneous

Sida  14.  Conclusions

MV Estonia, military boats in the Baltic Sea.



Copyright 2010 All rights reserved.

U 137 ran aground in 1981 outside Landskrona, why?

On a boat that is seaworthy does everything work; rudder, engines, radar, navigation, etc.
On a boat that is unseaworthy things like, rudders, engines and navigation systems broken, and then anything can happen.
The problem is if the captain and crew can not keep track of where they are at sea, off course, anything can happen.

Now we will be glad that U 137 ran aground and did not drive straight into a passenger boat.
The thing with the U 137 was that it had not its transponder turned on, because then the swedish navy
had discovered it, but as I said; that the thing with a military boat, not to be discovered.
It is 2010 and we allow this, scary.

If you go into the JAIC's accident report and go to Figure 7.1, page 102 you will notice that there is not a military boat in the area, should I believe in that, no. It is a military secret where the military boats are and it is something that ordinary people should not think about.
Clearly there were and are military boats in the Baltic Sea at the time of the area shown in the picture.

But why do they not appear?
Question: 2009-11-24
Will all boats that are in the Baltic Sea show up on the radar screen on a Finlandship; fishing boats, military boats, cargo vessels, pleasure boats, barges?
How large must surface/boat be to be picked up by radar and caught on the screen at a Finlandsship?
Answer: Starvbid
All boats that have their transponders turned on will be visible on the radar.
If we play with the thought that the military has a naval exercise (playing war) or are just breathing and fanning their newly waxed boats in and around Finlandships.
1. Can MS Estonia captain with manning check the radar on his Finlandsboat were all military boats are, are they coming up on his radar screen?
2. Can MS Estonia captain follow throughout the military naval exercises on his radar screen?
Answers, Starvid
As long as they have their transponders on. I do not know if Estonia was equipped with surveillance radar, and without them you see nothing that does not have a powered transponder.
Answers, Lodenrock
At the time of the sinking of the MV Estonia the transponder system (AIS) was not developed. Small vessel radar echoes can disappear in a "seaclutter" (waves give radar echoes that interfere with the smaller echoes)

That means;
1. All normal traffic with their transponders turned on are visible on the radar screen on a Finlandsboat.
2. A military boat that had no tranponder turned on was  invisible on the MV Estonia radar screen, and all other boats to.
3. All military boats can see all the normal traffic on their rader monitors.
4. That's the thing with a
military boat, to be invisible on the sea.

1. You can compare it with this;

If you are traveling on a highway in the middle of the night and suddenly something just passed by in the dark, then maybe it was a military vehicle that passed by in the dark. Something that no ordinary citizen would allow, but that is the way it is on the Baltic Sea and the military today.
2. It should be added that a captain on a Finlandsship have jewelry more experience (time on the water) than a military captain, the captain on the Finnish boat basically live on the sea. A military captain will not be in the vicinity
of that time.


Sida    1.  Intro & Links

Sida    2.  MV Estonia

Sida  3a.  The bow visor

Sida  3b.  The bow visor, damage

Sida    4.  The bow ramp

Sida    5.  Other technical details

Sida    6.  The sonar image

Sida  7a.  Baltic Sea