67. The Olof Palme bullet part II
Is it the same tie and the same shirt, when he got photographed and when he got shoot?
The entire collar is soaked in blood, blood that mostly has come from his mouth. Say that it takes 60 seconds before someone can take off Olof tie, during that time and the job it is to take the necktie should reasonably have been blood on the tie. The most remarkable thing is that there is no blood around the exit hole 1.6 when there is so much blood on the sidewalk. I see no blood spatter tie. In Figure 1, the shirt is yellow in Figure 3, the shirt is blue, note that it is the same shirt. I think that Palme was murdered in the same shirt he was photographed in and it increases the likelihood that the same tie.
Last picture on Olof Palme, it's photographed on his last day in life. 3 pm at his home.